Your EMF Protection Zone
2020-05-31 13.54.38.jpg

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EMF Tools Available!

New! GeoVital Satellit Pad for Office for Geopathic Stress

New! GeoVital Satellit Pad for Office for Geopathic Stress


This unique GeoVital product contains a proprietary coiled shape that can “push” out positive ions that result from geopathic stress such as water veins, or earth grid lines. The result can be measured by simple dowsing tools. This smaller pad is to be used in an office as it will be “energizing”. For the larger pad, that can be used under a bed, those must be ordered via a GeoVital Consultant who should measure the sleeping area. All of these unique pads are easy care, but cannot be placed under metal.

These pads were excess in our inventory. Two are brand new, but out of packaging as they were shipped. One is a demo and priced slightly lower.

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