Your EMF Protection Zone

Your EMF Protection zone...


Our bodies are adapted to natural and subtle energies from the earth.
Our cells walls regulate small amounts of voltage.
Yet man is producing powerful and pervasive electrosmog millions of times stronger than these natural fields.

Is it a matter of time before we all see health effects?
We must learn to protect ourselves.

Health Begins at Home

Have you had any of these symptoms at home or work?    
Do your symptoms get better when you are away?  
Does your doctor say they can’t explain the symptoms or they might be from EMR or Geopathic Stress?

  • Recurring or piercing headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Sudden drops in energy
  • Sleep problems
  • Brain fog
  • Concentration problems
  • Intermittent uneasy feelings that something is not quite right in your home
  • Pressure in the face or sinuses when near electronics or entering a room.
  • Sick Again??... Recurring Health Issues—despite expensive natural therapies, a healthy diet, supplements and exercise

Up to five percent of the population could be EMF sensitive and this number is growing!

FACT:  Cell phones, WiFi devices and even printers and alarm systems using wireless technologies were
never tested for health effects before being put on the market and into our homes. 

Your house shouldn’t make you sick!

Protection and relief starts here!

Healthy Spaces IQ helps solve harmful EMR problems
so you can stay healthy.




“My daughter is so much better since you told us to move the wireless alarm system from the wall on the other side of her bed…"  Joan C.

“We knew by the readings on your meters that we had a problem with electromagnetic radiation that we had not seen before…”  Indira

“We moved our Wifi router to the another room based on your evaluation.”  John R.

“My partner came home to our apartment and immediately said, “What did you do differently in here?  I can feel a difference.”  Melissa B.

You were right!  The energy changed! Where I sleep is more peaceful!”  Barbara